Upcoming Hikes
As future walking hikes and tours are confirmed they will be posted on the Upcoming Hikes section of our website.
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Previous Hikes
Walking the Grand - Year 2!!

Charles and Jim completed their 2nd year of the 275-kilometre trek on the Grand Valley Trail which began in the Spring of 2015.
This series of hikes started with nine weekend hikes, which allowed hikers the opportunity to get away for the weekend and explore the Grand River Valley for much of its length as it drains one of the larger river basins in South-Central Ontario.
The hikes will be approximately 15 to 20 kilometres each, which will allow time for socializing, photography and general good fellowship. Please feel free to join us for any or all of these hikes. Be prepared to have a great time. We welcome hike leaders in training. And Yes! We will assist you in maintaining a log-file of your walks in order to receive your end-to-end badges and chevrons.
Details are currently available for:
Grand Valley Trail Belwood / Prices Corners, Pinnacle Section, Maps 14 & 15 (7th Edition). Level 2 intermediate. Distance 24 kilometres. Pace 4.5/ 5 kms / Hr. Terrain is variable but primarily flat. No dropouts. Car shuttle.
Grand Valley Trail Prices Corners / Alton, Pinnacle Section. Maps 15 and 16 (7th Edition). Level 2 intermediate. Distance 19 kilometres. Pace 4.5 / 5 km / hr. Terrain is generally flat with significant road walking. A steep climb at the terminus of the trail to the top of the Pinnacle.
View Details of the ABOVE Walks (Updated: June 2, 2016)