About walkaway treks
From an introduction to hiking, through more extensive mountain hiking and backpacking, Charles outlines and explores the fascination of walking and hiking!

Check out Hike Ontario's website for other courses available in your area!
Website: www.hikeontario.com
Who Is Charles Whitlock?
Charles is a passionate hiker who shares his love of hiking with both new and experienced walkers.
In 2003 Charles established Walkaway Treks to better serve his hiking adventures and to provide a variety of hiking services. Charles Whitlock is the owner/operator of Walkaway Treks.

Qualifications and Experience
- 30 years outdoor adventure leadership experience
- Certified Wilderness First Responder
- Certified hike leader with the Toronto Bruce Trail Club and the Grand Valley Trails Association.
- Tour Manager for Novacks Adventure Tours, London, Ontario. Tours in the United Kingdom, France and Guernsey
- Tour Manager Worldwide Central Travel (2007) Ltd.
- Advisor to the Grand Valley Trails Association
- Freelance hike leader and tour manager for travel agencies and individuals or group seeking customized trips
- Leader and organizer for Walkaway Treks independent adventures since 2003
How to get involved?
Inquires for customized hikes, guiding services or tour management can be directed by email to
Also see planned hikes for upcoming events.
More 'Did You Know About' Charles...
In December 2022, Charles participated in GVTA's fun evening, carol-singing stroll through Victoria Park, Kitchener.
Some did the preceding hike through parks and trails downtown to enjoy the lights.
We have hikes of all sorts for you to enjoy, from challenging back country trails to local strolls.
All are welcome. View Other Events
"Wicked Whitlock" completed the Bruce Peninsula Multi Sport Sprint triathlon on August 12, 2017 in 2.42 hours. It involved a 4 km kayak, a brutal 16 km mountain bike and a 6 kms run. Placed 11/19 in the Solo Masters Male 45+. Have to train smarter for next year. Charles is in the red kayak and lime green hat. The last portion of the run was a very rainy finish.
Charles participated in the 5th Annual Santa run on December 10, 2016 where 500+ participants all wear Santa outfits.
Oh what a hoot! Charles finished FIRST once again in his category, with a pace of 5:31 and an official timing of 27:37.
On September 10th, 2016 Charles kept his promise :O) He managed to podium in 1st place (within his age group) at the Lakeside Triathlon. In his words, I guess that my old body is still functioning well.
On Sunday, April 24, 2016,
Gozo 1/2 marathon done. It was one tough run with outrageous hill climbs.
Gozo is the sister island to Malta deep in the Mediterranean.
I'm happy that it is over. Thanks all for sending me best wishes!Run time was 2:08:58:170.

On Saturday Dec. 12, 2015, Charles completed the 4th Annual Santa Pursuit run in Waterloo AND FIRST place in the old guy category, finishing five KM's at 26.45.
It is such a fun run especially when you have over 700 (local runners) Santa’s all looking the same. It looks like we are all cloned. This race supports the YMCAs of Waterloo Region and raised over $5000 for the Strong Kids Campaign!
On Sunday, April 26, 2015,
Charles ran his first ever Gozo 1/2 Marathon!
Gozo is the sister island to Malta deep in the Mediterranean.
It was one tough hilly run.
My target achieved!

My training paid off for the 27 Km cross-country ski event in Gatineau, Quebec on Feb. 14. All completed in 3 hours and 5 mins. Temperature at start was minus 18. Happy with my time.
On Saturday, December 13, 2014 Charles completed the Santa Pursuit (92nd Place Overall)
About 720 Santas ran in Waterloo. Oh what a hoot!! This race supports the YMCAs of Waterloo Region
On Sunday, November 2, 2014, Charles completed a 1/2 marathon (hamiltonmarathon.ca) in 1.58 hours - the same time as my run in Malta's half marathon (February 23, 2014: Malta Marathon). At least my timing is consistent.
January 24, 2014
Charles retires from the Region of Waterloo - leaving more time for treking!