Upcoming Hikes
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Current Hikes
Planned Hike
End-to End Walk of the 110 kilometer Thames Valley Trail
Located near London Ontario - SIX Hike Dates
The Thames Valley Trail is a 110-kilometer hiking trail which follows the Thames and North Thames Rivers along most of the route. It links the Elgin Trail at the Elgin/Middlesex County line in the south with the Avon Trail in St. Mary’s in the north.
Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 1 of 6- Thames Valley Trail- Southdel Road to Sharon Creek.
Thames Valley Trail Map #1
Distance 19 kms/ Pace 4 K/hr.
Relatively flat terrain with rural road walking.
GPS: 42.885600, -81.40155
Charles Whitlock 519-742-7435
Jim Vanderlip: 416-925-9134 7-10 pm
- Depart: 9:00 am, from the meeting point at the off-road parking area at the Sharon Creek Conservation Area on Springer Road south of the Village of Delaware to the west of the city of London.
- GPS 42.885600, -81.40155
Join Charles and Jim for another end-to-end in southern Ontario. We will hike for two weekends in the Spring of 2017 and one weekend in the Spring of 2018 to complete a walk along the lovely Thames River through the countryside of Middlesex County and the communities of London and St. Mary's.
This is the first of six (6) hikes to complete an end-to-end of the Thames Valley Trail from its junction with the Elgin Trail to its terminus at the junction with the Avon Trail in St. Mary's. We will be hiking the trail from south to north.
Today we car shuttle back to the southern terminus of the trail on Southdel Road and return to the Sharon Creek Conservation Area. (GPS: 42.814852, -81.339771) Charles mobile on day of hike 519-505-6298.
Sunday, April 30, 2017 - 2 of 6- Sharon Creek to Komoka Provincial Park, Gideon Drive entrance.
Thames Valley Trail Map # 2
Distance 16.5 kms Pace-4 Kms/hr.
GPS: Approximately 42.95307, -81.38415
Charles Whitlock 519-742-7435
Jim Vanderlip: 416-925-9134 7-10 pm
- Depart: 9.00 am, from Komoka Provincial Park on the north side of Gildeon Drive. From the intersection of Glendon/Oxford Street and Woodhull Road, just east of Kilworth turn south and travel 800 m on Woodhull. Turn south-west (right) on Gildeon Drive for 800 m.
- GPS 42.95307, -81.38415.
Shared-parking cost of $15.00/vehicle.
We will car shuttle to the Sharon Creek Conservation Area where we completed our hike on the 22nd of April. This car hike will involve some road walking with gentle hilly areas in off-road conservation areas and Komoka Provincial Park.
This is hike 2nd of 6 to complete the Thames Valley Trail End-to-end. Charles mobile on day of hike 519-505-6298.
Saturday, June 17th, 2017 - 3 of 6- Oxford Street West to Greenway Park.
Thames Valley Trail Map #3
Distance 20.5 kms. Pace 4 kms/hr.
GPS: In the area of, 42.973796, -81.272559
Charles Whitlock 519-742-7435
Jim Vanderlip: 416-925-9134 7-10 pm
- Depart: 9.00 am, from the parking area in Greenway Park in the City of London. The meeting point is on Greenside Avenue to the north of Springbank Drive. This parking lot is slightly less than 1 (one) kilometre west of Wharncliffe Road.
- GPS 42.973796, -81.272559
This is the 3rd of 6 hikes on the TVTA. Today's hike will be through relatively flat parkland hiking with some hilly terrain in Warbler Woods. Today we car shuttle back to the Oxford Street West parking area at Komoka Provincial Park where we finished our hike on April 30th. Shared-parking cost of $15.00/vehicle. The hike will take us along busy country roads through beautiful Warbler Woods and then along lovely municipal trails alongside the Thames River and passing Storybook Gardens and the sight of the Victoria Boat Disaster. Charles mobile on day of hike 519-505-6298.
Sunday, June 18th, 2017 - 4 of 6- Thames Valley Trail End-to-End Hike #4
Greenway to Fanshawe
Thames Valley Trail Maps 3 and 4.
Distance 19 kms. Pace 4kms/hr
GPS: 43.018790, -81.183321
Charles Whitlock 519-742-7435
Jim Vanderlip: 416-925-9134 7-10 pm
- Depart: 9.00 am, from the Ted Early Sports Centre parking lot on Clarke Road, 700 metres south of Kilally Road and 250 metres south of the entrance to the Fanshawe Conservation Area in the City of London.
- GPS 43.018790, -81.183321
Hike distance is 19 kilometres at a pace of 4 kilometres per hour.
This is the 4th of 6 hikes on the TVTA. Today we car shuttle back to the Greenway Park parking lot where we finished the hike on the 17th of June. The hike today is relatively flat and will follow the Thames River across more of the City of London on municipal trails and streets to finish our 2017 hikes on the Thames Valley Trail at the entrance to the Fanshawe Conservation Area. And you guessed it! The Ted Early parking lot is not on the trail by 250 metres (What a bonus for the ardent hiker). Charles mobile on day of hike 519-505-6298.